
We Are All in This Together

Truckee Fire Protection, Emergency Services, Police Department, Cal-Fire, and the CHP are doing their part to prepare and train their staff to respond to a wildfire evacuation.

They have their plan.

We need to create ours.

Our own personal evacuation plan.

Key Components of an Evacuation Plan

  • Sign up for emergency alerts.
    • You, your family members, and all guests staying at your home.
    • Nixle - Text your zip code to 888777 for mobile alerts
    • Code Red – Code Red Emergency Alerts
  • Map out your primary and secondary evacuation routes
    • Truckee Evacuation Routes
    • Ensure your guests know the evacuation routes
    • Head in the opposite direction of the fire…please
  • Leave early - "No one has ever died in a wildfire because they left too soon"
    • Execute your personal plan before the evacuation order is given.
  • Know your neighbors
    • Identify individuals that you will contact in case of an emergency
  • Plan what to take and assign each family member their own list
    • Ready Set Go
    • Use your cell phone apps to create your list (Notes)
      • Sync with family members
  • Practice! - Take the 10-minute evacuation challenge
    • Do a real time test.
    • You have10 minutes. Get your family, pets, & important items into the car & on the road

Preservation Of Life Is Where Our Mindset Needs To Be.

We have to be prepared to take action and be self-reliant; not wait for others to come save us. It is our responsibility to prepare, be vigilant, and be ready to go!

Need convincing? Please watch this video:
